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This documentation is for version 3.3 and earlier of Vinyl, the former name for App Builder. Access the latest documentation here.

Vinyl IDE overview

The Vinyl IDE (Integrated Design Environment) is the end-to-end framework area in Vinyl where a developer user can create, build, maintain and launch a Vinyl application. Depending on a User Role and Permissions, they may or may not have access to specific areas in the IDE. This article will provide a high-level overview of all areas contained in the IDE, broken out by menu area.



  • Data Servers: Where you set up data source servers like API connections, File Systems, Vinyl Connectors, Cloud DB's, and Microsoft SQL Server
  • Security Providers: Where you set up security providers for your User Authentication as well as data source authentication
  • Notification Servers: Where you set up connections to notifications services such as an SMTP server or SMS server
  • REST APIs: Where you can view and configure APIs and Webhooks to extend Vinyl


  • Application: Where you can create a brand-new application from a wizard
  • Applications: Where you can view all existing applications in an environment
  • Look and Feel: Where you can customize the UI Layer look and feel of an application


  • Create Release: Where you create and build Release Templates for Vinyl apps
  • Install Release: Where you install Release Templates for Vinyl apps
  • Language Translations: View and configure information for language translations of Vinyl apps


  • Monitoring: Manage servers and schedules information for the environment
  • Usage: Access to metrics on app usage, page views, devices, browsers and languages
  • User Management: Where you configure and add security groups to your Vinyl server. This includes managing the privileges of your groups and adding/ removing users from your groups. User Management and Realms are also configured in this area.

Additional settings

The Additional Settings button on the IDE takes you to a screen with lesser used options available for configuration, including:

Server configuration

  • Licensing: Where you can view certain information about your Vinyl license
  • Site Widgets: Where you configure the site level widgets on your Vinyl server
  • Error Messages: Where you can provide user-friendly common replacement messages for database exception errors
  • Remote Vinyl Connections: Where you can control whether certain applications on your server allow remote connections
  • Site Menu: Where you can configure the site menu links on your server
  • Flush Cache: Flushes the Cache of your Vinyl Server

Advanced development

  • Plugins: Where you can add and configure assemblies and plugins on your server
  • Functions: Where you can view all the custom functions that ship with Vinyl as well as adding and viewing user defined functions
  • Theme Interfaces: Where you can view all the existing Theme Interfaces (selectable values in Themes) and lets you add new ones
  • Silo Permissions: Configure permissions for Developer Silo access to Vinyl

Data management

  • Populate Audit Records: Populate Full Audit records for data sources and associated tables
  • Date Migration: Configure date migration from one time zone to another
  • Delete Sealed Applications: View and delete any sealed apps

Internal settings

  • Data Type Mapping: Where you map data types between different data source types
  • Logical Data Types: Where you can add, edit, and delete the logical data types on your server
  • Vinyl Parameters: Additional configuration options for your environment