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This documentation is for version 3.3 and earlier of Vinyl, the former name for App Builder. Access the latest documentation here.

Invoke another event as an action type

Vinyl supports the ability to invoke an Event from a separate Business Object as the Action Type in a Business Object's Event. This feature was created to provide a way to reuse existing logic to use the same event in multiple places. This way, you don't have to create identical Events in every Business Object where you would like to use it.

This article will show an example using Northwinds data and utilizes an event from the Customers Business Object and uses it in an Event Action on the Orders Business Object.

  • A button labeled Upper was created to leverage an event that will uppercase the Company name
  • The Business Object behind this panel has an event called Upper Customer whose Action will call the Event from the Customer Business Object
  • An Event called Upper Customer was created within the panel's Business Object. For more information on how an Event can be configured, see Configure event.
  • The Rule from a separate Business Object can be configured by clicking on Create in the Actions panel

The Action is then configured by choosing the Business Object where the Rule is native, in this case Customers, choosing the Event Upper case company name, then choosing the column common to both Business Objects, in this case CustomerId. More than one shared column can be added to explicit bindings; more than one binding column with limit the scope of the Event.

This example uses a Customers Event within an Orders Business Object to update the customer name column based on an order made by that customer. This could be flipped, however, to use an Event within Orders that affects order information that is triggered from a Customers Business Object Event to loop through all the orders associated with a particular customer. This is to say that the bindings can be used to return more than one row for the Event to act upon.

How to invoke an event as action type

  1. Create a Business Rule that will can be used in an Event with a common column for binding
  2. Create an Event where you wish to use the Rule from step 1
  3. Click Register Existing in the Actions panel and under Action Information set the parameters:

    • Type set to Event
    • Business Object is where rule from step 1 originated
    • Event is the name of the rule from step 1
  4. Click Save

  5. In the Explicit Bindings panel, choose the column(s) shared between the source business object and the rule business object
  6. The Event is now ready for use in a panel using the Business Object where the Event was created