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This documentation is for version 3.3 and earlier of Vinyl, the former name for App Builder. Access the latest documentation here.

Deactivate a user


In Vinyl 3.3.34523 and above, users can be deactivated.

Deactivating a user temporarily suspends their access to Vinyl without deleting their account. When deactivated, a user is logged out of any active sessions, and cannot log in again until reactivated. Deactivated users can't be selected in user selection lists.

The following accounts cannot be deactivated:

When a user is reactivated, their access is restored with the same group membership and user ID as before.


To deactivate a user, follow these steps:

  1. Select IDE > User Management.
  2. Under Users, click the Open record icon for a user.
  3. On the User dialog, click More > Deactivate:


  4. At the prompt Deactivate the user?, click the Proceed button:

    Deactivate proceed

  5. The User dialog's Properties pane updates to show the deactivation date and time, and the account that performed the action:

    Deactivated user

  6. Close the User dialog.

  7. A deactivated icon appears in the Deactivated column for the user in the Users table.


To reactivate a user, follow these steps:

  1. Select IDE > User Management.
  2. Under Users, click the Open record icon for a user.
  3. On the User dialog, click More > Activate:

  4. At the prompt Activate the user?, click the Proceed button:

    Activate proceed

  5. The User dialog's Properties pane updates without the deactivation details:

    Active user

Find deactivated users

To see all deactivated users, follow these steps:

  1. Select IDE > User Management.
  2. Under Users, click the Apply Filter icon.
  3. Under Deactivated, click the menu and select Yes.
  4. Click the Run Filter button.