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This documentation is for version 3.3 and earlier of Vinyl, the former name for App Builder. Access the latest documentation here.

Security provider - WS-Federation

The WS-Federation security provider enables Single Sign-On (SSO) authentication with supported WS-Federation Identity Providers (IdPs), including Microsoft Azure Active Directory (AD) and Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS). Additional information regarding WS-Federation is available in the following documents:



  • Audience: Audience restriction. Although the standard requires a syntactically valid URI, Vinyl will accept non-URI values to integrate with nonconforming implementations. Defaults to the Entity ID.
  • Recipient: Ws-Federation reply URL (Wreply). Defaults to the current URL. See Wreply Endpoint below.
  • Entity ID: WS-Federation security realm URI (Wtrealm). In Microsoft Azure, this is referred to as the App ID. In AD FS, this is referred to as the Identifier. Required.


In earlier versions of Vinyl, Entity ID defaulted to the application-root URL (e.g. Entity ID is now required.


Type Description
Metadata Endpoint WS-Federation metadata URL, e.g. Required.


The WS-Federation security provider defines the following parameters:

Parameter Default Description
IgnoreTlsErrors False Indicates whether Vinyl should ignore TLS errors when connecting to the WS-Federation metadata URL. This should only be used for development and testing.
ClockSkew 5 Maximum number of minutes to allow for out-of-sync server clocks when validating the SAML assertion.
LogPII False Indicates that personally identifiable information (PII) should be logged. This setting takes effect on startup.


WS-Federation is fundamentally a claims-based authentication protocol. The WS-Federation security provider recognizes the following claims:

Identifier Purpose Description Name Identifier Unique, immutable identifier used to map the third-party identity to a Vinyl user. Name User name. Group Security group membership. Group Security group membership. Group Security group membership. Full Name Full name. Display Name Friendly name. Email Address Email address. Phone Number Phone number.


Wreply endpoint

The WS-Federation security provider exposes a single endpoint which listens for HTTP requests bearing a security token. The address takes the following form:

The URL is composed of the following parts:

Component Description Absolute URL to the Vinyl application-root directory.
WSFederation URL-encoded, Ws-Federation security provider name. The value is case-sensitive.

Known issues and limitations

The Vinyl WS-Federation security provider has the following limitations:

  • Only a single audience restriction may be validated.
  • The Logout protocol is not supported.