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This documentation is for version 3.3 and earlier of Vinyl, the former name for App Builder. Access the latest documentation here.

Plugin Structured Data

There are a variety of versions of this plugin for various third parties.

The plugin takes a configuration that looks something like this:

    "name": "Order",
    "key": "OrderID",
            "name": "Customer",
            "key": "RelateCustomer_ID",
                    "name": "CustomerAlterations",
                    "key": "CustomerAlterationCodeFriendly",
                    "name": "CustomerMeasurements",
                    "key": "MeasurementCode",
            "name": "OrderGroups",
            "key": "OrderGroupID",
                    "name": "OrderGroupLines",
                    "key": "LineID",
                            "name": "OrderGroupLineAlterations",
                            "key": "AlterationFriendlyCode",

Name, key, attributes, children and then each child under children can have name, key, attributes, children… and so on

Screen shot 2017 11 14 at 10 11 36 am

When building the data object for the data for this report you select everything, ordering by level1, level2, level3 ...